Latest Ultrasonic Pest Control Devices, Costumer Reviews And Information.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Do Ultrasonic Pest Control Product Really Works?

According to Jack DeAngelis, PhD, "Various devices on the market claim to repel bugs and rodents with ultrasonic or electromagnetic energy. These devices have repeatedly failed to do what they claim to do in scientific trials". Now this is a very interesting part. The question is why those ultrasonic pest control manufacturing companies are confidently still coming up with more volume in their production of ultrasonic pest control devices.

I am sure the cost to research and producing those product involved huge amount of money. If they the manufacturer know that their product does not really work is not it risky to invest in such a huge amount of money to produce a product that they know does not work well and cannot sell?

There is of course some ultrasonic pest control devices are not so effective or not really works. However there is also some product really works as it claimed. My opinion is, it is up to the costumer to decide whether to buy the product or not and it also a costumers responsibility to check and get the information before they decide to buy it

That is also the reason why I setup this blog to help us as costumers to exchange ideas and experience about ultrasonic pest control product so that when we buy the devices it will be a well-informed purchase. So you are invited to share your knowladge and experience about ultrasonic pest control in the comment section. Hopefuly those comments about the products can be of use to many people out there.


yathipv said...

My family had mice in our house last Christmas, and we tried pretty much the same thing you are talking about. We have two small dogs, and they didi notice. It was hard to tell if it hurt them because they really just tilted their heads every now and then. As for me, I heard it. But then again, I also hear the high pitched screech from the TV on mute. It bothered me for a while, but we took it away after the mice were gone. I hope this helped. In my opinion, it was too annoying to bother with, but it did work.ultrasonic pest control

Ajit said...

Good Product. best cockroach killer india

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